Thursday, June 5, 2008


I know I am usually not political on this blog, but this was too good not to pass along to you.....sent to me by my DIL.....


Hillary and Obama were on a raft

going down the Colorado river.

The river was extremely rough.

The raft capsized and both were swept downstream.

Who was saved?



LivingTheLife said...

WOW!! I sure had a heck of a time trying to hold my computer screen up to my bathroom mirror to see that answer!!! I had to use two extension cords....LOL!


Anonymous said...

Oh, pray for guidance that people will see the wrong-headed, egotistical ways of McCain who will only give America 4 more "Bush" years. Personally, I liked it when we were a respected world power with peace dominating, a strong economy and cheap enough gas that people could enjoy their SUVs, boats, 4-wheelers, etc, without worrying if they needed a second mortgage to pay for it or if the banking system could even approve their loan application. Think beyond party. Look at the stand of America in the World now. What must we do to begin to rebuild our image? The time for CHANGE is here.

Anonymous said...

Wow . . . so sorry that you can't enjoy your SUV, boat, and your four wheeler at the same time. We have plenty of oil in America but can't access it because of the "change" party. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend that 911 didn't happen, but the world is not the same place . . . and it's not because of Bush.

Jill said...

Hee-hee. If we can't send her down the river, I hope at least Hillary will crawl back under her rock. And as far as anonymous #1 goes - other countries may not like America but they sure do come running and think we're pretty OK when they need foreign aide.

Dianne said...

AMEN! And AMEN to 'anonymous #2.' Well stated, and I couldn't agree more!

Maggie said...

We need the visions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Eight years of Bush have put us in a very bad situation. Look at Iraq, our economy, and the energy situation. A vote for McCain is a vote for more trouble.

Anonymous said...

For the record the other statements weren't written by me...Now, about who I would save, well I would get both of them and convince them while in my raft that their politics stink and if they ever want to get back on land they had better PROMISE NOT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT! Andi

Anonymous said...

For the record the other statements weren't written by me...Now, about who I would save, well I would get both of them and convince them while in my raft that their politics stink and if they ever want to get back on land they had better PROMISE NOT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT! Andi